To Levi's leadership

Dear Levi's Leadership,

As an independent union founded by workers, we reiterate our call for Levi's to leverage its influence to foster change. After careful reconsideration, we at BİRTEK-SEN  have refined our demands and wish that you see this as a positive approach and meet with your supplier Özak Textile again to guide them in line with our demands below.

- In order to save the jobs, we are willing to demonstrate extraordinary flexibility and to reduce our demands to the bare minimum if this means that the factory will stay open, with respect for freedom of association, and our members can be rehired. For example, we won't demand a protocol/agreement between BİRTEK-SEN and management. In our view, the essential elements of an agreement between Levi's and Özak, as a condition of a full restoration of orders by Levi's, are:

1) Özak agrees to only hire workers from a list provided by BİRTEK-SEN (these will all be workers who were terminated in December who would like to be reinstated) and will first rehire those workers who have not yet received any severance pay (kıdem tazminatı) from Özak after their termination; 

2) Özak agrees to respect workers' right to freedom of association and not discriminate against returning workers; and 3) Özak agrees to reach an agreement with BİRTEK-SEN within one month on pending compensation for terminated workers.

- We believe it's essential to make this final attempt -- and to do so quickly -- to bring the factory into compliance, before it's otherwise inevitable closure and the loss of more jobs. Please let us know whether Levi's will communicate accordingly with the factory management.

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Bizi Takip Edin

Birleşelim, mücadele edelim

Bizi Takip Edin

Birleşelim, mücadele edelim

Bizi Takip Edin

Copyright © BİRTEK-SEN 2024

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Copyright © BİRTEK-SEN 2024

Bu internet sitesi Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Vakfı Türkiye Temsilciliği katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır.

Copyright © BİRTEK-SEN 2024

Bu internet sitesi Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Vakfı Türkiye Temsilciliği katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır.