To the Struggling Workers of Başpınar and the Members of BİRTEK-SEN,
We, the undersigned unions and labor organizations representing garment and textile workers worldwide, stand in unwavering solidarity with BİRTEK-SEN, the Başpınar workers, and their union president, Mehmet Türkmen, who has been unjustly arrested for defending workers’ rights.
The arrest of Mehmet Türkmen and the crackdown on Başpınar workers are clear attacks on fundamental labor rights, freedom of speech, and the right to organize. Detaining a union leader for calling on workers to unite and demand fair wages is not just an attack on BİRTEK-SEN—it is an attack on all workers fighting for dignity and justice.
In our countries, we too have witnessed how employers and authorities use repression to crush worker uprisings and prevent union organizing. We know that attempts to silence one union leader are attempts to silence all workers. But history has shown that repression does not stop workers—it only strengthens their resolve.
The demands of Başpınar workers—a fair wage increase, annual bonuses, an end to unfair tax deductions, and the return of confiscated bank promotions—are not privileges but basic labor rights. No worker should have to risk arrest for demanding a wage that allows them to live with dignity.
We strongly condemn the criminalization of union activity and call on the Turkish authorities to:
✅ Immediately release Mehmet Türkmen and drop all charges against him.
✅ End all repression against BİRTEK-SEN and Başpınar workers.
✅ Lift all bans on worker protests and strikes.
✅ Recognize and negotiate with BİRTEK-SEN on the just demands of the workers.
To the Başpınar workers: Your fight is our fight. From the factories of Bangladesh to the industrial zones of Nigeria, from the garment workshops of India to the global labor movement—we stand with you. Your struggle inspires workers everywhere who face similar exploitation and repression.
To the international labor movement: Now is the time to raise our voices louder than ever. Let us unite against union-busting, wage theft, and repression. An injury to one is an injury to all!
Solidarity forever!